Slow Trading Day!!

Sometimes the best trade is the trade you didn’t take. We have all heard this said many different ways, I’m sure. This was one of those days. I grabbed a pullback on $TROV thinking it would have a bounce. Well, the bounce never happened. I honestly should’ve known this from the way it was trading. $TROV decided to break support right after I got in long. Holding something like that would be a clear violation of our rules. So, I had to let it go for a small loss. It honestly feels good to obey our rules and take our losses like we should. Then on to some better setups, right? Not a chance! Everything today was like pulling teeth. In the end we are closing with 65% of our daily profit target. The only decent stock today was $PTGX. I had a hard time getting filled early on in the move. I finally grabbed it for a few decent trades. We were watching it for a nice red candle that never really happened. They laid this one down gently, relatively speaking.