My journey as a day trader

When I was younger, I remember hearing about Etrade and super rich day traders. It was all over the news. I personally didn’t know much about investing. I just knew I wanted to try it one day. Fast forward to 2007, when I made my first trade..well not actually. This was the year I made my first paper trade. I believe it was Also, this was the year I got my first stock from my grandpa. The stock was a company that got bought out by DTE Energy. I learned quite a bit, considering my total inexperience. I learned how to setup my first platform. Looking back It wasn’t much different than the sophisticated tools in my platforms today. Over the years I followed the stock market. I put stocks like $SPEX in my google watch list and received updates whenever it would move. I would say things like, LOOK!! I can buy at the bottom and sell at the top..LOOK how much money we will make! I think a lot of amateurs think things like this.

I really woke up to my need to be responsible with my finances and invest when the market crashed in 2009. I saw the auto bail-outs and I knew $F (Ford) was not going out of business. I had just got a check for $14000 and knew this was it! I was going to be a trader! Turns out, that wasn’t what happened at all. My recent windfall gave me big eyes for a life that I couldn’t formerly afford. I began going out to eat daily, bought a Harley Davidson, basically a shopping spree. After living it up, My injuries from the Army really came to bite me. I was in so much pain at this point that I could’t focus on anything….to be continued…speaking of pain haha!