Fridays are said to be one of the slowest trading days. This morning definitely fit that description. At one point, I was thinking this might be one of those rare days with no trades. I had noticed $DERM had a pretty big green candle on the 5 minute, with very little volume and seemingly no news. I put $DERM on my bottom charts and ignored it because of the lack of volume. That’s when I noticed $PCG had gotten pretty bullish while I was looking away. I decided to chase a bit on $PCG right at the moment it got caught on a huge wall on the ask. I caught the first profitable exit I could. I jumped over to $DERM and took some as it started getting some momentum behind it. Then $ENG came on TradeStation’s Hot List. $ENG brought me to 100% daily profit target on the second trade. With six traded total on $ENG, I finished the day with 175% of my daily profit target. That is a 5.1% week on available funds!
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